Securing Thailand’s energy future

Since the 2021 military coup in Myanmar, foreign governments — in particular the European Union and the United States, have issued travel bans and frozen the financial assets of corporate entities and individuals involved with the military regime. The most recent US financial sanction on the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (Moge), a major source […]

Thailand’s weed legalisation dilemma

When cannabis or ganja was legalised (the plant was removed from the illicit drugs list) in 2022 by the Prayut Chan-o-cha government, this led to mass confusion whereby the public misunderstood and perceived it as “liberalisation”. This resulted in widespread and unregulated cannabis consumption. Internationally, cannabis use is generally divided into two categories: either medical/non-medical […]

Fixing Thailand”s cannabis regulations

When cannabis was removed from the Narcotics Code in 2021, widespread, unregulated usage sparked a public outcry, calling for immediate governmental intervention to rectify the situation. Three years have passed, and cannabis remains in a regulatory vacuum. Two draft bills have been sent to parliament to address these concerns, but there remains no sign that […]

Sustainability ratings just a gimmick?

Amid mounting criticism of business operations’ environmental and social impacts, businesses are proudly showcasing their sustainability ratings and awards to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable development. Yet, do these accolades credibly reflect such commitment, or are they just a public relations tool?

This scepticism resurfaced recently when a prominent Thai conglomerate was named one of the world’s most ethical companies in 2024, despite public criticism about their operations.

These sustainability awards and ratings are sought after by the business sector because investors and creditors no longer solely focus on financial performance. Also important for them is business sustainability practice, referred to as ESG — short for environment, social, and governance.

Overcrowded prisons need reforming

Extreme overcrowding in Thai prisons forces inmates to endure deplorable conditions, stripping away their dignity and humanity. It’s a humanitarian crisis that demands immediate action. Due to terribly cramped spaces, inmates barely have room to sleep. They also suffer poor sanity from insufficient toilets and bathing facilities, in addition to poor-quality food and substandard healthcare. […]

Making exports for a low-carbon era

Exports have been Thailand’s important growth engine for many decades. A number of Thailand’s export destinations have shown increasing interest in and support for low-carbon products. Failure to meet global demand for low-carbon products risks Thailand’s competitiveness in international trade. The options are clear: either adapt to the low-carbon market by reducing the amount of […]

Talking about Water on World Water Day: Sustainable Water Management in the Eastern Region 

“Water is life.”  Not only is water vital for animals and plants alike, it is also an important resource for the economy – ranging from agriculture, industry to service sectors as well as public utilities. Water is inextricably tied to people’s lives as well as to economic growth.  The eastern region in Thailand is critical […]

Education woes aren’t about funding

The education ministry has always received the largest share of the fiscal budget. The Thai government’s investment in education is actually comparable to that of developed nations based on the percentage of national budgets. In the past decade, the education ministry has consistently received the highest budget allocation. It was only this year that it […]

Low-carbon transition with data

Amid escalating climate crisis concerns, the imperative for businesses to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions does not slow down their growth; instead, it paves the way for new opportunities. Cutting emissions actually enables businesses to curb costs and access new markets in the climate-conscious era. Success stories abound. For instance, a retail company in home […]

Time to ease Thai bond market rules

The Thai bond market, with massive valuations surpassing 16.7 trillion baht as of the end of the third quarter of 2023 and continuous prospective growth, is a crucial mechanism in the capital market and the Thai economy. Net market value could rise by over 386 million baht per year if legal restrictions on bond trading […]

Soft landing likely for this dragon year

The Year of the Dragon brings with it the expectation that the direction of the global economy will be better than that of 2023. Despite earlier concerns about a sharp global economic downturn, recent developments suggest a soft landing for 2024. The World Bank recently reported that global economic growth will be 2.4% this year, […]

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